Aapala Paryavaran Green Shoppe
The Green Shoppe provides a platform to self-sustaining NGO’s manu-facturing eco-friendly products across the country. The objective of the shoppe is to also provide one shop stop for the aware consumers to get environment friendly products. The Shoppe has artifacts made from waste pinewood with Warli paintings on them done by Adivasis, Vetivar (Vala) root products like Ganesh idols, hats, footwear, fans, curtains, soaps and perfumes are cooling agents with medicinal value. Highly durable and reusable dishes and bowls which can be used for functions are made from agricultural remains of the Areca Palm tree. Natural toiletry kit; conference kit made of paper, cloth or flex; bags made of cotton banana fibre, jute and flex are also sold. Environment Education Kit consists of books, display board material, games and audio visuals to help do effective environment education for different age groups mainly school children. Celebration kits include Ganesh idols made and coloured in eco-friendly material, eco-friendly rakhis made from bamboo, paper, cloth and natural colours for holi. Jewellery from bio-degradable products, paper mache products, artifacts and some utility products is made by special children.